A free version will be available soon.

I’m working on a free version of Lisgo now.
Please register your email here, so you will be notified when it’s available.

*No spam!, you will be notified just before it’s out.

Acapela voice team told me that they will add Japanese voices next year. If you are interested in Japanese support on Lisgo, and want to be notified when it’s available, please register your email here.

*Not only Japanese, I will add multiple language supports for Lisgo when the basic feature of Lisgo is ready!

The free version got rejected by apple, and I am working on to release it again.

Major update 1.7.7 is out on app store!

Lisgo 1.7.7 has been released on app store today.


One of the most important change is that you can play from the text position you double tap on this version! So, you can start reading the interesting articles on Lisgo, then start listening from the text position you choose whenever you can’t read.

Major Update
*start playing from the text you double tap

*changed the primary parser and set the previous parser as a back up, so Lisgo can get most of the article contents now.
*speak “now loading” message when Lisgo is taking a long time for loading.
*changed the setting of timeout to 30s from 10s.

*users can decide to make Lisgo auto-play next page or not by tapping play or pause buttons.
*Jump to Read It Later tab automatically after login

Bug Fix
*changed text to speech code to fix the stuck problem.
*Lisgo doesn’t stop other music sounds anymore when it has been launched.

Lisgo 1.71 is out on app store!

Hi, Lisgo 1.7.1 is out on app store today!

What’s New in Version 1.7.1

*retry loading 10 times when connection is lost.
*don’t show alert window when connection is lost so users don’t need to go back to List tab to retry later.

*show activity indicator when loading content.
*retina display for tab icons

Bug Fix
*fixed a second freeze when going to next page.
*other minor bug fixes.

I already submitted Lisgo 1.7.7 on app store, and hopefully it will be released in a week. The next version has huge improvements. One of the new feature is that you can play from the text position you double tap!!

–Upcoming Lisgo 1.7.7–

Major Update
*start playing from the text you double tap

*changed the primary parser and set the previous parser as a back up, so Lisgo can get most of the article contents now.
*speak “now loading” message when Lisgo is taking a long time for loading.
*changed the setting of timeout to 30s from 10s.

*users can decide to make Lisgo auto-play next page or not by tapping play or pause buttons.
*Jump to Read It Later tab automatically after login

Bug Fix
*changed text to speech code to fix the stuck problem.
*Lisgo doesn’t stop other music sounds anymore when it has been launched.

Import Instapaper into Read It Later

You can import your Instapaper list to Read it later!

I receive questions about Instapaper support quite often. Lisgo plans to expand to get instapaper, google reader starred items, twitter favorite articles, and so on.

But, currently I am focusing on the basic features, usability improvements, and minor bug fixes. Basic features means something like offline mode, text highlight, parser improvement. So, once the basic things are ready, Lisgo will support other services.

Today, I found out the way to import your Instapaper list to Read it Later. I hope it works for people who want to use Lisgo to listen to the previous articles of Intapaper.

Lisgo 1.6.9 is out on app store!

Lisgo 1.6.9 has been released on app store!
Here is the link on app store.

What’s new in Lisgo 1.6.9

Major Update
*Lisgo gets artcile contents more accurately and combine multiple pages into one page.

*Lisgo speaks notification messages when getting content is failed or connection is lost.
*changed the background color on playingview.
*show version number on Settings tab.

Bug Fix
*fixed duplicated new page when users refresh RIL list.

I’d love to hear your voice if you have any question or suggestion on Lisgo.
Feel free to send me an email at mail@lisgo.org if you have anything to ask.

New parser is coming for next update

Hi, I already submitted the next version on app store. The most important change for next update is new improved parser so Lisgo can gets article contents more accurately.

What’s New in next Version 1.6.9

Magor Update
*Lisgo gets artcile contents more accurately and combine multiple pages into one page.

*Lisgo speaks notification messages when getting content is failed or connection is lost.
*changed the background color on playingview.
*show version number on Settings tab.

Bug Fix
*fixed duplicated new page when users refresh RIL list.

Lisgo 1.6.4 is out now!

Hello, Lisgo 1.6.4 has been released on app store!
This version has improved it’s usability a lot.
It is available on app store.

What’s new in Lisgo 1.6.4

*swipe a cell to right to archive on Playlist tab.
*swipe a cell to left to remove on Playlist tab.
*limit loading items up to 150 to make swiping smooth until Lisgo supports loading next 30 items by scroll.

Bug Fix
*enabled reloading after sync error.
*playlist gets refreshed after login.
*stop loading on PlayingView when connection is lost.

Lisgo 1.6 is released on app store!

Hello, Lisgo 1.6 got released on app store today!
This version has much impoved new design and minor bug fixes.
It is available on app store now.

The latest Lisgo 1.6 feature

*New design

Bug fix
*fixed the incosistant height of tableview cell.

This time, apple approved the latest version much sooner than usual. Usually, it takes a week for them to release new one after I submit it. But this time, it only took 5days, well done apple!

Lisgo is improving every day, and I already submitted the next version of Lisgo on app store just after new version got released.

Stay tuned.

Next update (Lisgo 1.6.4) will feature the below.
(I hope it will be released within a week)

==Important Change==

Swipe right on Playlist tab means you archive the selected page.
Swipe left on Plalist tab means you remove the selected page.

*swipe right to archive on Playlist
*swipe left to remove on Playlist
*limit loading items up to 150 to make swiping smooth until Lisgo supports loading next 30 items by scroll.

Bug Fix
*enabled reloading after sync error
*playlist gets refreshed after login
*stop loading on PlayingView when connection is lost

Lisgo 1.5 has been released!

Lisgo 1.5 is out on app store.

The most useful feature on this update is probably that you can see domain url on each title on tableview. It also include improved usability and minor bug fixes.

You can grave the new version from here.


*Shows domain names of each pages on tableview
*Open safari when hitting page links on playing and how to use pages
*Show Read It Later tab view at startup

Bug fix

*fixed the crush problem on Read It Later tab when memory shortage happens
*No more duplicated pages on Playlist
*fixed the duplicated page problem after switching login ids

Right after I received the notification of that Lisgo 1.5 has been released, I submitted the next version of Lisgo (Lisgo 1.6.0) on app store. The next version of Lisgo has improved new design and fixes the inconsistent cell height!

I’m working on 1.6.4 with beta test users at the moment. It’s been improved every day.

Lisgo Read It Later version is out on App Store!

Hello, I woke up in my futon with joy today, because the first thing I noticed was an email notification saying Lisgo is released on app store!

Here is the diret link for Lisgo on app store, please let me know what you think of.

By the way, I’m already uploading the next version of Lisgo on app store, I hope it will be released soon. The next version includes some neat features with minor bug fixed.

Thank you