Lisgo 1.6 is released on app store!

Hello, Lisgo 1.6 got released on app store today!
This version has much impoved new design and minor bug fixes.
It is available on app store now.

The latest Lisgo 1.6 feature

*New design

Bug fix
*fixed the incosistant height of tableview cell.

This time, apple approved the latest version much sooner than usual. Usually, it takes a week for them to release new one after I submit it. But this time, it only took 5days, well done apple!

Lisgo is improving every day, and I already submitted the next version of Lisgo on app store just after new version got released.

Stay tuned.

Next update (Lisgo 1.6.4) will feature the below.
(I hope it will be released within a week)

==Important Change==

Swipe right on Playlist tab means you archive the selected page.
Swipe left on Plalist tab means you remove the selected page.

*swipe right to archive on Playlist
*swipe left to remove on Playlist
*limit loading items up to 150 to make swiping smooth until Lisgo supports loading next 30 items by scroll.

Bug Fix
*enabled reloading after sync error
*playlist gets refreshed after login
*stop loading on PlayingView when connection is lost